the Polyhedrons

Tales of a shared destiny from one clan of creative players, based on adventures in the space-fantasy universe of Destiny, created by Bungie.


Games We Play

Games We Play

Two Eliksni crouch near a space-heater in their half-ruined district of humanity’s Last City. They have a concrete ceiling over their heads but only two walls, forming a tiled corner at the outer edge of a broken building.


Brighten the universe with brilliant fellowship and radiant wisdom. Go forth with the light at your back. Keep one hand closed against your enemies and one hand open to your allies. Know that defeat is always temporary. Know that we shine even in the bleakest night.

We are each of us mere moments in light and time, but so are our struggles, and we know that a brighter destiny lies ahead. We build it out of light and deeds, action by action, day by day. Onwards.

"Eyes up, Guardians"